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  • ᓃᓲᐦᑲᒫᑐᐊᐧ ᒥᑐᓂᑲᔮᐢ ᐯᔭᑰᐢᑳᓀᓯᐊᐧᐠ. ᓃᓱ ᑫ ᓵᑭᐦᐋᐊᐧᐠ. ᐊᐚᓯᓴᐠ. ᒪᒋᐦᑖᐧᐤ ᐯᔭᐠ ᐅᑲᓇᐁᐧᔨᐦᒋᑫᐤ ᒦᓇ ᓲᐢᑳᐧᐨ ᑮᐢᑫᐧᐦᑳᐣ ᐃᐢᑫᐧᐤ. ᐊᐧᓀᔨᐦᑕᒧᐏᐣ. ᑯᐢᑖᑎᑯᓯᐏᐣ. ᓂᐢᑐ ᒣᐢᑿᒋᐸᔨᐑᓇ. ᓲᐦᑫᔨᐦᑖᑯᓯᐤ ᓅᑎᓂᑫᐃᐧᔨᓂᐤ ᒪᐢᑲᐋᐧᑎᓯᐤ ᒪᐢᑭᐦᑮᐃᐧᐢᑫᐧᐤ. ᑭᐦᒉᔨᐦᑖᒁᐣ ᐃᔨᓃᓯᐏᐣ…  ᑲᑳᐧᔭᑭ ᐊᐧᓂᑑᑕᒫᑫᐏᐣ ᐋᒋᒧᐏᓂᐢ ᒦᓇ ᐸᐢᐲᐃᐧᐣ ᐅᐦᒋ, ᒫᒪᐃᐧ ᐊᐢᑌᐤ ᑖᐯᐧᐦᑕᒧᐃᐧᐣ  ᒥᑐᓂ ᑲᔮᐢ ᐅᐦᒋ ᐲᐋᐧᐱᐢᑲᐧᐢᑐᑎᐣ ᐋᒋᒧᐏᓂᐢ, ᐁᑲᐧ ᒦᓇ ᒥᑐᓂ ᑲᔮᐢ ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐃᐧ. ᐋᑕᔫᐦᑫᐃᐧᐣ, ᒦᓇ ᐋᑎᐦᐟ ᒪᐢᑕᐤ ᐊᐧᓂᐦᑕᒥᐑᐏᐢ ᐃᑕᐦᑲᒥᑲ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑫᐃᐧᐣ.  ᓇᓈᑐᕁ ᒥᑐᓂ ᑲᔮᐢ ᐅᐦᒋ ᒫᑲ ᒪᐢᑕᐤ ᐃᑕᐢᑖᐏᐣ, ᐋᒋᒧᐢᑖᑫᐃᐧᐣ ᐊᓯᒋ ᐊᐱᐢᒋ ᐲᑫᐧᔨᐦᑕᒧᐃᐧᐣ, ᐊᐱᐢᒋ ᒪᒫᐦᑖᐃᐧᓯᐃᐧᐣ, ᐊᐧᐃᐧᔭᓯᐸᔨᐣ, ᑭᐢᒋ ᐃᑌᐧᐃᐧᐣ ᐊᐦᐳ ᓂᓱ ᑕ ᒥᔪᐦᑖᑲᐧ, ᐊᕀ ᐋᐢᑲᐃᐧ ᓲᐢᑳᐧᐨ ᑮᐦᑳᐦᑐᐢᑭᐃᐧᐣ, ᑕᑲᐦᑭ ᐋᑕᔫᐦᑫᐃᐧᐣ. ᐊᑎᐦᑌᐤ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣ ᐱᑯ ᐊᐃᐧᔭᐠ ᑭᒋ ᒦᓇ ᐲᑭᐢᑫᐧᐃᐧᐣ ᐋᓲᓇᒼ. Also available in Kindle ebook format HERE
  • ᒪᕐᕈᐃᑦ ᓄᓇᑐᖃᐃᑦ ᐃᓄᖁᑎᖏᑦ. ᓇᐃᓈᖅᓯᒪᔪᖅ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖓ. ᐊᑕᐅᓯᖅ ᓇᒡᓕᖕᓂᖃᓐᖏᑦᑐᖅ ᑎᒍᐊᖅᑎᖓᑦ ᐊᓈᓇᒃᓴᑎᒃ ᐅᓇᓗ ᐊᖓᒃᑰᓪᓗᓂ. ᐊᒃᓱᕈᖅᖢᑎᒃ ᕿᒪᒃᓯᔪᒪᓚᐅᖅᓯᒪᕗᒃ. ᓵᑕᓇᓯᒥᒃ ᐃᓱᒪᖃᖅᑐᑑᓂᐊᕐᒪᑕ. ᐱᖓᓱᐃᓕᖓᔪᓂᒃ ᐊᓯᕈᖅᑕᕐᕕᖃᖅᑐᑦ. ᓇᒡᓕᒍᓱᒃᑐᖅ ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᐃᑲᔪᓲᖅ ᐊᖑᓇᓱᒃᑎ. ᐊᔪᖏᑦᑐᐋᓗᒃ ᐃᓗᐊᖅᓴᐃᔨ ᐊᕐᓇᖅ. ᖃᐅᔨᑦᑎᐊᖅᖢᒋᑦ ᖃᓄᐃᑉᐸᓪᓕᐊᔪᑦ ᐱᓕᕆᐊᖑᔪᓄᑦ...  ᒪᑲᓪᓛᓗᖕᓂᑦ ᐊᓯᑦᔨᕈᓐᓇᓐᖏᑦᑐᖅ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖅᑐᐊᖅ ᒪᓕᒐᕐᓂᒃ ᐊᑐᖅᓯᓐᖏᑦᑐᖅ ᐱᑦᓯᐊᓐᖏᑦᑐᑦ ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᐅᒃᐱᕐᓃᖅᑕᐅᓇᓱᖕᓂᖅ ᓴᐃᒻᒪᖃᕐᑎᑦᑎᓂᖅ, ᑲᑎᓪᖢᑎᒃ ᑖᒃᑯᓇᖓᓪᓗ ᑕᐅᑦᑐᕆᔭᖏᓐᓂᑦ ᔮᒪᓂᒃᑯᑦ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖅᑐᐊᖓᑦ, ᐃᒻᒪᑲᓪᓚᒃ ᓄᓇᖅᑲᖅᑳᖅᓯᒪᔪᓂᑦ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖅᑐᐊᖅ, ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᐃᒻᒪᑲᓪᓚᐅᓐᖏᑦᑐᑦ ᑕᒻᒪᖅᓴᐃᓯᒪᔪᓂᑦ ᐃᒻᒪᑲᓪᓚᓂᑦ ᖃᓄᐃᓕᐅᖅᐸᓪᓕᐊᓂᖏᑦ.  ᐃᔾᔪᐊᖅᓯᒪᔪᖅ ᐃᒻᒪᑲᓪᓚᓂᑦ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖅᑐᐊᓂᑦ ᒫᓐᓇᐅᔪᖅ ᐊᑐᖅᑕᐅᔪᓂᒃ ᐋᕿᒃᓯᒪᓪᓗᓂ, ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖅᓯᒪᒋᓪᓗᓂ ᐊᒥᓲᓐᖏᑦᑑᒐᓗᐊᓂᒃ ᑲᑉᐱᐊᓇᖅᓯᑎᒋᐊᖅᓯᒪᓪᓗᒋᑦ, ᐳᔾᔪᒃᓯᒪᓪᓗᓂ ᐊᖓᒃᑯᒥᑦ, ᑎᓯᓇᖅᐸᒡᖢᑎᒃ, ᐊᖕᖏᓛᖅ ᑕᐃᓗᒍ ᒪᕐᕈᐃᕐᓗᒋᓪᓘᓐᓃᑦ ᐱᑦᑎᐊᓕᓇᓱᒃᑲᒥᒃ, ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᐊᒥᓲᓐᖏᑦᑐᑦ ᐱᕈᔭᑦᑐᑦ ᐱᔾᔪᑏᑦ, ᐃᓂᑖᑦᑎᐊᑕᐃᓐᓇᖅᖢᑎᒃ.  ᐃᓱᒪᓕᐅᕆᓯᒪᑦᑎᐊᖅᑐᖅ ᐅᖃᓕᒫᒐᖅ ᑕᒪᐃᓐᓄᑦ ᐅᑭᐅᖃᖅᑐᓄᑦ ᐋᕿᒃᓯᒪᔪᖅ ᐅᖃᐅᓯᐅᖃᑦᑕᕐᓂᐊᕐᒪᑦ.
  • Emí:mex yutl’ólem qesu xwelilses te stó:telõ. E’ stl’i:s kw’es q’óq’es te álex. Qe kw’a ts’lhametes te sqwals kw’es kwalekw’ te stó:telõ the sq’iq’aq. Lixw kw’e q’óq’ethoyx qesu eyaq’ la kw’a steq’oye. Qesu yethestes te álex ewe q’eq’óqetexw qesu iyaq’thet la kw’e steq’oye qesu la tl’i:w teli te altha.
  • nīsōhkamātowak mitonikayās pēyakōskānēsiwak. nīso kē-sākihāwak awāsisak. macihtwāw pēyak  okanawēyihcikēw mīna sōskwāc kīskwēhkān-iskwēw. wanēyihtamowin. kostātikosiwin. nisto mēskwacipayiwina. sōhkēyihtākosiw  nōtinikēwiyiniw… maskawātisiw maskihkiwiskwēw. kihcēyihtākwan iyinīsiwin… kakwāyaki-wanitōtamākēwin ācimowinis mīna paspīwin ohci, māmawi-astêw tāpwēhtamowin mitoni kayās ohci pīwāpiskwastotin ācimowinis, ēkwa mīna mitoni kayās nēhiyawi-ātayōhkēwin, mīna ātiht mastaw wanihtamōwīwin itahkamika masinahikēwin. nanātohk mitoni kayās ohci māka-mastaw itastāwin, ācimostākēwin asici apisci-pīkwēyihtamōwin, apisci māmaskātikosīwin, wawiyasipayin, kisci-itwēwin ahpo niso ta-miyohtākwa, ay-āskawi sōskwāc kīhkāhtoskiwin, takahki-ātayōhkēwin. atihtēw masinahikan piko awiyak kici mīna pīkiskwēwin āsōnam.
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  • ᒥᔪᐦᑖᐧᐤ ᐁᑲᐧ ᒦᓇ ᑕᑲᐦᑭᓯᐤ ᓰᐲᐃᐧᔨᓂᐤ ᓈᐯᓯᐢ.

    ᑕᑲᐦᑭ ᓵᑭᐦᐃᑐᐃᐧᐣ ᐃᓯ  ᐆ ᐄᐧᑐᑫᒫᑲᓇ.


    ᐊᐱᐢᒋ ᓅᑎᓂᑫᐢᑭᐘᐠ ᐁᑲᐧ ᒦᓇ ᒥᓯ ᓅᑎᓂᑫᐢᑭᐘᐠ.

    ᒪᐢᑲᐄᐧᒪᑲᐣ ᐲᑭᐢᑫᐧᐃᐧᐣ, ᐁᑲᐧ ᒦᓇ ᑭᐳᐢᑲᑯᐏᐣᑭ ᑫᐧᐢᑭᓂᑲᑌᐤ ᐃᓯ ᒪᐢᑲᐋᐧᑎᓯᐃᐧᐣ ᐁᑳᐧᓂᒪ ᐸᐢᐱᓇᒼ ᓇᒨᔭ ᒦᓇ

    ᐱᑯ ᐁᑯ ᑮᓯᑳᐤ.

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